Mechanical Education to Employment Program

MEEP- Mechanical Education to Employment Programme

Skills and knowledge are the engines of economic growth and social development in any country. IAPMO India has in place both Illustrated Training Manual and Mechanical Education to Employment Program.

Countries with higher and better levels of skills adjust more effectively to the challenges and opportunities of globalization. There is a growing sense that the past strategies of skills development have been inadequate in addressing the new challenges that India faces. The need for establishment of skill development programs and continuing education system will provide an institutional mechanism to facilitate greater and active participation of the industry, and to better link skill development with the country’s employment demands. The shortage of skilled workforce across many industries is emerging as a significant and complex challenge to India’s growth and future. According to a survey more than two millions of mechanical professional in HVAC-R domain required to meet construction-industry demand by 2020. The growing skills gap is reflecting slim availability of high quality professional in India and the galloping pace of the country’s construction and allied service driven economy, which is growing faster than most countries in the world. As businesses propose to double and treble their workforces and India Inc. strives to maintain its position in the global marketplace, it has become imperative to prepare and plan for a world-class, competent, talented and innovative workforce.

IAPMO India has a great role to play in nation building, the best and most selective way is to introduce the cutting-edge concept of MEEP (Mechanical Education to Employment Program) training to the university youths at the entry level industry in order to tackle the impeding shortage of knowledge workers. This strategy will provide out-going graduates or Diploma Holders to have dual-certification. This will mitigate the existing shortfall of trained professionals at entry level for which, companies today have spent a lot. IAPMO India has firmly installed Plumbing Education System and is now ready to offer Mechanical education systems to Indian citizens. MEEP Graduates of the multi-level education programs created will be given the option of obtaining professionally qualified certifications with the following credentials:

  • Mechanical Managers (MM) Academic program
    The objective of this program is to train and equip mechanical Installation, Commissioning and O&M Managers/Engineers to equip with code based education program for imparting training on latest knowledge in the related codes & standards applicable to the mechanical HVAC-R trade keeping in view of the present and future global industrial requirements, so that skilled man power of the country may become enable to compete in the global market.
  • Mechanical Supervisors (MS) Academic program
    The objective of this program is to train and equip mechanical Installation, Commissioning and O&M Supervisors to equip with code based education program for imparting training on latest knowledge in the related codes & standards applicable to the mechanical trade keeping in view of the present and future global industrial requirement.
  • Mechanical Technicians (MT) Academic program
    The objective of this program is to train and equip mechanical technicians to equip with code based education program for imparting training on latest knowledge in the related codes & standards applicable to the mechanical trade keeping in view of the present and future global industrial requirements, so that semi-skilled /skilled man power of the country may become enable to compete in the global market.

MEEP Benefits:

  • Recognition to International body
  • Industry-Institutional interactions
  • World class Mechanical-HVAC-R education and training
  • Better mechanical installations ensuring energy conservation, enhanced IAQ, safety of public and structures and reduced maintenance

Energy efficient installations, increased efficiency and productivity, better reputation