IAPMO India Private Limited (known as IAPMO India) was founded in 2007 with offices at Bengaluru and Pune. IAPMO India and the Indian Plumbing Association (IPA) began, and continue to foster, a strong and essential partnership to better provide for the industry. The latest and most comprehensive plumbing codes and training and education programs for code-based plumbing installations and maintenance for all of India developed from this partnership.

The Uniform Plumbing Code – India (UPC-I), based on IAPMO’s globally recognized flagship document, was released in 2008, and a subsequent version released in 2011. In addition, the team of IAPMO India and IPA has also developed and released the Uniform Solar Energy Code – India (USEC-I), the Green Plumbing Code Supplement – India (GPCS-I), and the Uniform Swimming Pool Code – India (USPC-I). This team of experts expanded its portfolio in 2011 by responding to the needs of the market and developing a water efficient ratings scheme, titled Water Efficient Products –India (WEP-I), and has since published and implemented this scheme pan India to assist efforts in reducing water usage through efficient fixtures.


IAPMO India, responding to the enormous demand and growth of its services within the plumbing domain, has focused efforts to better serve the industry by also incorporating mechanical and product certification. The combination of these three core competencies together — plumbing, mechanical, and product certification — completes the circle for an all-encompassing system combining state of the art codes and standards with a certification body developed to list products to those necessary performance standards.  

Dedicated efforts from many experts within the mechanical industry assisted IAPMO India in the development of the Uniform Mechanical Code – India (UMC-I), published in early 2012. Industry leaders have touted this document as another developing world class standard emanating from India.

Code-based training and education programs for both plumbing and mechanical are in place and readily available. Plumbing Education to Employment (PEEP) is being offered at more than 25 educational and training institutions across India. This state-of-the-art curriculum was developed to define the industry and train the workers to bring them on par with global best practices. The Mechanical Education to Employment Program (MEEP) has just recently been completed, and has already been committed to by numerous universities and institutions. 

In connection with these publications, IAPMO’s globally recognized mark of conformity and certification program is now being offered, as well. Designers, engineers, contractors and government officials are often encouraged to look for a product’s listing mark of conformity from an ISO Guide 17065-accredited, reputable third-party listing agency to ensure that the product has undergone the necessary testing, evaluation, and engineering review for safe usage by society. In the great majority of countries around the world, nearly every major plumbing manufacturer lists its products to a product performance standard. In just its first year of service, IAPMO India’s certification program has already become the trusted, and endorsed, mark for plumbing and mechanical products within India.

In 2018, The IAPMO Group acquired Aquadiagnostics Water Research and Technology Center Limited (AWRTCL), an independently accredited testing laboratory in Bengaluru, India. Since then, AWRTCL has become a part of The IAPMO Group, specifically associated with IAPMO India. This addition has allowed IAPMO India to provide services to key clients that manufacture water filtration products and produce packaged drinking water, while also verifying potable water supply within India. We also expanded our plumbing testing capabilities over the past two years, and many manufacturers’ products are tested and certified by IAPMO India.

In addition to these services, IAPMO India also complements its programs with top-notch engineers for certified audits and inspections, consultancy services for energy and water auditing, and as expert resources in the plumbing, mechanical, and certification domain.

The Indian Plumbing Association

The Indian Plumbing Association (IPA), established in 1993, is the apex body of plumbing professionals in the country. Set up with an objective to promote advancements in plumbing and the building service industry, IPA has successfully created a forum for exchange of ideas and dissemination of information amongst its members. As a member of the World Plumbing Council, it encourages its members to achieve and maintain high standards of workmanship.

IPA’s membership includes architects, builders, plumbing consultants, plumbing contractors, plumbing product manufacturers, traders and planners. IPA also conducts conferences and exhibitions throughout India and publishes the monthly magazine Indian Plumbing Today. The idea is to make local plumbing professionals aware of issues, problems and prospects in the industry. IPA along with IAPMO India has succeeded in creating awareness about the need for safe plumbing, and is now ready to assist the Indian professionals with improving their skills and expertise.